Krish Speech And Hearing Clinic
(for Adults & Children)
(As per individual's need)
(A family centered approach)
Contact : +91 98254 48549
What is an audiogram

The results of a patient's hearing screening are illustrated on a graph called an audiogram.

An audiogram indicates how much hearing varies from normal and, if there is a hearing loss, where the problem might be located in the hearing pathway.

1. Frequency

Frequency or pitch of sound is measured along the horizontal axis of the graph in Hertz (Hz), from 125Hz to 8,000Hz.
The higher the measurement, the higher the pitch of the sound. For example, 250 Hz sounds like middle C on the piano, while the high pitched ringing of the telephone is about 3,000Hz.

Normal, young, healthy human ears can hear frequencies as low as 20Hz and as high as Normal, young, healthy human ears can hear frequencies as low as 20Hz and as high as

2. Sound level


Loudness or level of sounds is measured along the vertical axis of the audiogram in decibels (dB).

Zero decibels (0dB) does not mean 'no sound' - it is just extremely soft. Conversational voice level is around 65dB, and 120dB is very loud - about as loud as a jet taking off if you are standing 100 metres away.

What does the audiogram mean?


  • type of loss (sensori-neural, conductive, mixed)
  • degree of loss (mild, moderate, severe, profound)
  • symmetry (similarity between the right and left hearing)
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