Krish Speech And Hearing Clinic
(for Adults & Children)
(As per individual's need)
(A family centered approach)
Contact : +91 98254 48549
Degrees of hearing loss

There are five levels or degrees of hearing loss. A person with normal hearing can perceive very soft sounds, whereas a person with a profound loss can only perceive sounds louder than 90 dB.

Types of hearing loss :

  • Conducting hearing loss - Hearing loss can make certain syllables and sounds harder to hear. For example, high-pitched consonants like f, s and t are easily drowned out by louder, low-pitched vowels like a, o and u.
  • Sensory neutral hearing loss - Hearing loss can make certain syllables and sounds harder to hear. For example, high-pitched consonants like f, s and t are easily drowned out by louder, low-pitched vowels like a, o and u.
  • Mixed hearing loss - It is possible to have both a sensorineural and a conductive hearing loss - for example, if a person has a noise caused impairment and a perforated ear drum.
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